Junior scientists of environmental psychology wanted
as well as interested scientists from related fields
Please note: The summer schoolwill
take place in an online format.
The Summerschool
From 25th-28thMay 2021PhD
studentsandotheryoung researchersin the field ofEnvironmental
Psychology meet withthree international expertsofbasic and applied
What awaits you
4 daysfullof motivateddiscussionswith expertslike-minded people aboutcurrentfindings fromenvironmental
psychologyandopportunities for further developmentof your own work- and all thatin the ambienceof thepicturesqueBaltic island ofVilm.
A certificate ofcredit pointscan be issued.
Organization & Contact
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Reese
University Koblenz-Landau
Sozial-, Umwelt- und Wirschaftspsychologie
University of Koblenz-Landau -Federal Agency for Nature Conservation